Webinar – EU Gender Balance Directive

Financial prosperity, culture, innovation, retention, talent acquisition, due diligence, avoiding sanctions for incompliance —pick your prize. It is all within reach if you make the right moves.

By June 30th, 2026 40% of the non-executive directors of a board OR 33% of the overall leadership must be of the minority gender in listed companies.

That’s in less than 17 months!

It means that the DEI marathons, as we know them, will have to become DEI sprints. No time for guessing – or for trial and error – every step you take must result in a higher degree of gender balance.

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All the consultants at LIVING INSTITUTE are experienced, well-educated, masterful designers of sustainable behavioral change. They’re brilliant at facilitating transformation of mindsets, work culture, leadership behaviors, and ultimately of the future of your business.