From Chennai to Copenhagen: Get ready for collaboration
‘Why are Danes so Weird?’ Preparing the Indian team for working with their Danish colleagues LIVING INSTITUTE conducted a series of workshops in Chennai, India. The team in the South Indian affiliate of the Danish engineering company, Rambøll, expressed a great need to understand what motivates their Danish colleagues: – How do they consider deadlines? – Why is it so important that everybody is considered equal and participates no matter hierarchical status? – Why don’t they pay much attention to relationship building? – How to decode the very direct communication style of the Danes? Facilitator: Heidi Rottbøll Andersen Click here to read the article: “Rambøll in India: Bridging Indian and Danish working culture is a long haul” about LIVING INSTITUTE’s workshops in Chennai in the magazine ‘Ingeniøren’ . ‘Ingeniøren’ May 26th 2012 (in Danish)