Meet the DEI Experts and the Lawyer on EUs Gender Balance Directive
Upcoming Demands from the EU – Deadline June 30th 2026 is fast approaching
Join us in Copenhagen on March 8th for a dive into creating Gender Balance and compliance with EU’s directives for DEI.
If you are in top-level HR, Compliance or Management – this is for you.
The new demands from EU:
40% of the board OR 33% of the overall leadership must be of the minority gender
Does this affect me?
Well, all listed companies within the EU that employ more than 250 people fall under the directive
When? By June 30th 2026!
That’s in 17 months. That means that the DEI marathons, as we know them, will have to become DEI sprints.
No time for guessing – or for trial and error – every step you take must result in a higher degree of gender balance.
Meet the DEI experts
With our 20 years of experience in enhancing gender balance, we guide you to pick the ideal, data-driven next-step initiatives for your organization.We will identify the most impactful initiatives to create gender balance in large organizations.
Meet the lawyer
Comply or…?
To support you in understanding the legal aspect of the directives and the tasks your board faces for compliance, we’ve partnered with legal counsel, providing legislative insights
We will discuss
- What has been decided about Gender Balance by the EU, and how does it affect you?
- How do you approach a DEI strategy to fast-track cultural change?
- The legal perspective of the EU Gender Balance directives.