FREE WEBINAR: Diversity Fosters Creativity

Free introductory webinar on how Diversity fosters Creativity – Key insights and strategies for tapping into creativity in business through DIEB

Join us Tuesday the 15th of March 2022 at 1:00 pm (CET) for a 30 minute webinar.

In this webinar, Bobby Bovell will debunk myths surrounding what creativity is, who can be creative and how taking a structured approach to creativity in business is bolstered by a diversity mindset.

But to get diversity working for you – and not against you – inclusion is required. What that looks like and how you can obtain it; Bobby will reveal during the webinar.

Homogenous work cultures often lead organisations to rely on conventional problem-solving strategies.

Default decision making, caused by implicit assumptions about the level of shared knowledge within groups with seemingly identical backgrounds, experience and expertise stifles innovation and creativity. Diverse teams however stimulate creativity by driving curiosity and thus harnessing the power of difference.

This enables companies to benefit from new perspectives, insights and talent laying dormant within existing teams.

The webinar is a mix of the latest science, interactive facilitation and practical tools.

Read more about your facilitator Bobby Bovell >> here

NB: The webinar is in English



Mar 15 2022


13:00 - 13:30


Facilitated Webinars