Quotas, Women’s Networks, and Clear Career Paths: How Can STEM Attract Women?

Heidi R. Andersen, the founder of Living Institute, brought her expertise in diversity and inclusion to the forefront in a recent discussion event on gender imbalance in STEM hosted by Danish Academy of Technical Sciences and later featured in Science Report. 

The article covering the event addresses the critical need for diverse talent to tackle global challenges – yet highlights STEM’s struggle to attract and retain women. 

Heidi emphasizes that diversity enhances innovation and productivity, though she cautions that it requires strong leadership and inclusive practices to thrive.

13 do’s for diversity – and 4 don’t

In the article, Heidi shares insights from her extensive experience working with companies worldwide for two decades, illustrating how many companies fail to promote women, often due to unconscious biases and a lack of clear career paths. 

She advocates for organizational transformations by mobilizing men, not just women-focused initiatives, to drive lasting change. Her 13-point matrix for gender balance, developed by Living Institute, offers practical steps for companies aiming to create more inclusive cultures. 

Read the full article here (Article is in Danish)